Monday, 2 May 2011

A Journey To My New Garden...

Imagine the beauty of your everyday life.. worries.. no pains.. no traffic jams.. no bills to settle..everything is just the way you want it to be..

But can this be a reality? Unfortunately not.. not now anyway..!!

However it's nice to imagine.....

I always imagine myself to be in a no man's land.. wondering and searching for that beautiful life.. slowly.. step by step I walk..and I enjoy every minute I spent there.. looking at the the beauty of the things that pass by..

Gifts from our Creator..

And the jouney has no limit.. it goes on and on and on...

I suppose, everyone, at some point in their life have this fantasy ... but it varies from person to person..depending on your way of life..

Just take a look at these two people...

I am just wondering where they are going and what they are up to.. I suppose they know what they are looking for and for every steps that they make.. there is a purpose to it, no matter how long and difficult the journey is..

So.. life is a journey and my journey this time is to have a rose garden..and I am going to write about my experience growing roses in a hot tropical climate...

It's going to be hard but for as long as I believe in yourself.. I will definitely reach somewhere..

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on the start of this blog! May it be filled with wonderful memories,as lovely as the roses you are growing!
